The Studies in Applied Economics series fills gaps in the history, statistics, and scholarship on a variety of subjects. The authors are mainly Fellows of the Institute and students at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who conduct research under the general direction of Prof. Steve H. Hanke, Founder and Co-Director of the Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise.

2024 Working Papers: No. 247-270

2023 Working Papers: No. 226-246

2022 Working Papers: No. 200-225

2021 Working Papers: No. 172-199

2020 Working Papers: No. 144-171

2019 Working Papers: No. 130-143

2018 Working Papers: No. 97-129

2017 Working Papers: No. 70-96

2016 Working Papers: No. 44-69

2015 Working Papers: No. 23-43

2014 Working Papers: No. 10-22

2013 Working Papers: No. 4-9

2012 Working Papers: No. 1-3