(Ages 9-10)

Story Map 4th Grade
4th Grade Denny the Dinosaur wearing glasses and a bowtie with science cups.

Brain Facts: Be Nice to Your Brain

Because your brain does so much for you, this story describes things that you can do to protect your brain and make sure it is healthy.   

4th Grade Rain the Rabbit wearing an apron and holding a whisk.

Social Health: I Can Handle It… I Got It

This story talks about how to come up with ways to handle challenges that you face. 

4th Grade PJ the Panda wearing a softball jersey and holding a softball bat and wearing a softball glove.

Physical Health: Move It or Lose It

Your body is made of lots of muscles, so it only makes sense that our bodies were made to move.  This story is about how your body moves and how using your muscles to move your body makes both your body and your brain healthy. 

4th Grade Cort the Cat with sewing with needle and thread and a ball of string.

Emotional Health: I am Soooo Stressed Out!!!

This story talks about stress and how it relates to emotional health and behaviors.  

4th Grade Fran the Fox holding a gaming controller.

Cognitive Health: The World As We Know It

All animals get information about the world around them and they use this information to modify their behaviors in a way that allows them to survive. 

4th Grade Axo the Axolotl wearing goggles.

Brain Health: It’s a SPECtacular Jungle Out There

The world of a 4th grader is complex and has the potential to be frustrating and stressful.  This is a time when children need to focus on taking care of their SPEC health, so that their brains can help them navigate through the challenges they are facing.