(Ages 7-8)

Story Map 2nd Grade
2nd Grade Denny the Dinosaur with glasses and a globe

Brain Facts: My Brain Keeps Me Alive

This story talks about all the things that your brain does that helps you to stay alive.

2nd Grade Rain the Rabbit covered in batter and holding a bowl

Social Health: Helping You Helps Me Too

This story describes how engaging in altruistic, prosocial behaviors helps everyone’s social health.

2nd Grade PJ the Panda wearing a softball glove

Physical Health: Exercise- Good for Your Body and Your Brain

This story describes how moving your body helps your muscles and your brain to stay healthy.

2nd Grade Cort the Cat covered in string

Emotional Health: Being Afraid Can Help You- WHAT?!?

This story describes how fear can actually help you to learn and stay alive.

2nd Grade Fran the Fox playing with a Rubik's Cube

Cognitive Health: Lots of Ways to Learn

This story describes how the way that we learn changes as the world changes. Our ability to keep learning throughout our lifetime is what helps to keep our brain healthy. 

2nd Grade Axo the Axolotl wearing goggles and an inflatable ball

Brain Health: A SPECtacular Trip to the Zoo

In this story, the children set out on a SPECtacular adventure to explore the “Brain Zoo.” By comparing the four major components of a healthy brain (Social, Physical, Emotional, & Cognitive) to exhibits in a zoo, they will develop a deeper understanding of their brains’ functions.