(Ages 6-7)

Story Map 1st Grade
1st Grade Denny the Dinosaur wearing glasses and a toy robot.

Brain Facts: Are Bigger Brains Better?

We know that our brains are in our heads and we also know that some heads are bigger than others.  In this story we will “look” to see if animals with bigger heads have bigger brains and if bigger brains are better. 

1st Grade Rain the Rabbit holding a cupcake.

Social Health: I Can Do It!

This story talks about how being able to do things independently and learning how to control behaviors (self-control) are things that make someone feel good and make their brain healthy.

1st Grade PJ the Panda holding a softball.

Physical Health: Your Sleeping Brain is Hard at Work

Sleep is important for the survival of all animals.  This story will describe what sleep is, why animals do it, and what your brain is doing while you are sleeping. 

1st Grade Cort the Cat playing with a ball of string.

Emotional Health: Your Brain Wants You to Be Happy

This story introduces children to the reward pathway, the place in your brain that makes you feel happy.  

1st Grade Fran the Fox playing with building blocks.

Cognitive Health: Do You Know What I Know?

This story helps children to understand that everyone is able to learn things about the world around them, but what one person “knows” may be different from what another person “knows”. 

1st Grade Axo the Axolotl wearing goggles and a flotation device.

Brain Health: The SPECtacular Way to Take Care of Your Brain

This story emphasizes the importance of a healthy brain, and ways to keep one’s brain healthy.