For half a century, I have literally had generations of great students and research assistants at Hopkins. This page contains a listing of those students and assistants at the Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise since 2004. Why the listing? As Napoleon would say, to win a war, the troops must stick together and display esprit de corps. So, here are the veterans—veterans who can assist new recruits (and seasoned troops) in battle (read: the job market).

Prof. Steve H. Hanke
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
February 11, 2020

Semester Photos

Historical Research Assistants

Fall 2021 – Summer 2022

Fall 2020 – Summer 2021

Fall 2019 – Summer 2020

Fall 2018 – Summer 2019

Fall 2017 –  Summer 2018

Fall 2016 – Summer 2017

Fall 2015 – Summer 2016

Fall 2014 – Summer 2015

Fall 2013 – Summer 2014

Fall 2012 – Summer 2013

Fall 2011 – Summer 2012

Fall 2010 – Summer 2011

Fall 2009 – Summer 2010

Fall 2008 – Summer 2009

Fall 2007 – Summer 2008

Fall 2006 – Summer 2007

Fall 2005 – Summer 2006

Fall 2004 – Summer 2005

Fall 2003 – Summer 2004


Postdoctoral Fellows