WordPress runs on a managed, shared environment, with pre-built themes, plugins, and tools that make it easier for you to maintain a site. Our WordPress themes are divided into three families: department, program, and center sites; cross-divisional sites; and blocks theme for lab, group, and faculty sites. Themes are fully responsive and compliant with university branding standards, accessibility guidelines, and web best practices.

Blocks Theme (Horizontal Menu)

Theme that harnesses WordPress’ block editor and block patterns without running into template and opinion discrepancies. Contains minimal KSAS branding due to their inter-institutional nature.

Blocks Theme (Vertical Menu)

This theme allows for more navigation items due to the vertical menu and is built to satisfy the various needs of faculty members and their ground-breaking research. Featured images can be displayed across the top of the page.

Academic Department Themes

These themes are reserved for any department, program, or center that offers a graduate degree, major, minor, or just courses. They are designed to highlight the various components of the department. This theme is not typically available for Labs or Groups.

2024 theme