News Archive

Using Hydraulic Theory to Monitor Dense Overflows in a Parabolic Channel

Schematic model configuration

Dr. Atousa Saberi, a former graduate student in our group, has published a paper in the Journal of Physical Oceanography. The work is based on her PhD thesis and concerns monitoring of deep overflows, for example through the Faroe Bank Channel. The abstract reads: Deep ocean passages are advantageous sites for long term monitoring of...

How do the Arctic and AMOC interact?

Fram Strait and Barents Sea Opening

Team members Ali Siddiqui and Tom Haine have co-authored a paper entitled “Interactions between the Arctic Mediterranean and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: A Review.” The paper appears in a special issue of Oceanography on The New Arctic Ocean.

Coastal trapped waves excite Greenland fjords

Southeast Greenland fjords.

Dr. Renske Gelderloos has published a paper on “Subinertial variability in four Southeast Greenland fjords in realistic numerical simulations.” The paper appears in the Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans). And see this Research Spotlight in Eos!

Joan Bonilla Pagan joins group

Joan B P

Joan Bonilla Pagan has started his PhD in our program working on physical oceanography. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Applied Math from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, and a Master’s degree in Oceanography from the University of Southampton, UK. He joins our group from a position as an oceanographic and...

Bjerknes Seminar

Bjerknes seminar

Tom gave a Bjerknes seminar at the University of Bergen. He’s been a Bjerknes Fellow in 2022 and visiting wonderful Bergen. The talk’s title was: “Denmark Strait Overflow: The Greatest Waterfall you’ve Never Heard of”

Congratulations Dr. Saberi!

Atousa photo

Atousa Saberi has been awarded her PhD in Earth & Planetary Sciences. Atousa’s thesis title is “Kinematics and dynamics of oceanic overflows: Application to the Denmark Strait and Faroe Bank Channel.” A link to the pdf of her thesis is here (or will be available soon). Atousa is beginning a postdoc fellowship at NASA Goddard...

Rotating Shallow Water Dynamics Notes

Divergence field for adjustment problem on the plane

Notes from E&PS Fluids II (Spring 2021 version) are now available. The notes cover theory of rotating shallow water systems, inertia gravity waves, and geostrophic adjustment. They include detailed theoretical solutions to adjustment in various geometries. They also include software (MATLAB, Julia) to check the solutions and compute numerical solutions in complex geometries. Several examples...

Atousa Saberi video

Denmark Strait overflow is a big waterfall

Check out this cool video about Atousa’s research on the Denmark Strait Overflow!