Shared Governance Council

The Shared Governance Council (SGC) is an advisory body whose purpose is to bring faculty, administration and students together for the development and review of policies and issues that affect the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences as a whole. This body, which consists of 20 voting members that reflect the range of disciplines and roles within them, plays a critical role in decision-making within KSAS. 

Upcoming Meetings

  • February 26, 2024
  • March 25, 2024
  • April 22, 2024


Non-Voting Members

  • Bertrand Garcia-Moreno, Executive Vice Dean
  • Mary Favret, Vice Dean for Graduate Education, and Centers and Programs
  • Yingyao Hu, Vice Dean for Social Sciences
  • Rejji Kuruvilla, Vice Dean for Natural Sciences
  • Dean Moyar, Vice Dean for Humanities
  • Erin Rowe, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Education
  • Kofi Ofori, Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration
  • Bess Vincent, Senior Associate Dean for Strategy and Chief of Staff


Subcommittee on Centers, Programs and Institutes

The subcommittee will advise the dean on policies governing the various centers, programs, and institutes within KSAS. It will work to develop mechanisms to facilitate the creation and regular review of these entities to ensure that each has a viable structure, clear goals, and healthy faculty involvement. The subcommittee will consult on requests for the formation of new programs or centers and for the closure of existing programs and centers.


  • Mary Favret (chair)
  • Peter Armitage (SGC member)
  • Feinian Chen  
  • Linda DeLibero
  • Jennifer Kingsley 
  • Matt Pavesich

Subcommittee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The subcommittee will assist the Dean’s Office in reviewing the departmental diversity action plans, their evaluation metrics, and identifying areas for improvement, requesting revisions where necessary. The subcommittee will help the Dean’s Office to develop accountability measures to ensure progress toward goals in the Second JHU Roadmap on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


  • Araceli Frias-Ohane (chair)
  • Jessica Appel (SGC member)
  • Shane Butler (SGC member)
  • Jennifer Culbert
  • JaQuon Epps 
  • Sarah Hörst
  • Muhammad Husain
  • Michael Kwass
  • Sunita Thyagarajan

Subcommittee on Faculty Wages and Compensation

The subcommittee will advise the Dean on policies and procedures concerning faculty compensation in KSAS. 


  • Bertrand Garcia-Moreno (co-chair)
  • Yingyao Hu (co-chair)
  • Jane Bennett (SGC member)
  • Somasree Dasgupta
  • Stephan McCandliss
  • David Savitt (SGC member)
  • Dawn Teele (SGC member)

Subcommittee on Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs

The subcommittee will advise the dean on academic policy concerning graduate programs in KSAS, including the creation of new degrees, and on policies regarding the experience of postdoctoral fellows. It will consult as well on matters of mentoring, funding, climate, and student affairs for our graduate programs. In the first two years of its formation, the subcommittee will focus especially on the future of the PhD and how best it can serve the needs of students and of 21st century society.


  • Mary Favret (chair)
  • Ona Ambrozaite
  • Qiong Cao (SGC member)
  • Yingyao Hu
  • John Kim
  • Anne Lester
  • Jason Palladino 
  • Dawn Teele (SGC member)

Subcommittee on Teaching and Research Track Faculty

The subcommittee will advise the dean’s office on best language and policy concerning teaching and research track faculty in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. It will consult with chairs and directors of departments, institutes, centers and programs as well as the relevant deans who are not members of this committee.


  • Bertrand Garcia-Moreno (co-chair)
  • Rejji Kuruvilla (co-chair)
  • Bruce Anderson
  • Richard Brown (SGC member)
  • Kyle Stine
  • Somasree Dasgupta
  • Taylor Hahn
  • Tom Lippincott
  • Stephan McCandliss
  • Sarah O’Byrne (SGC Member)

Subcommittee on Undergraduate Education

The subcommittee will advise the dean on academic policy concerning the undergraduate curriculum in KSAS, including the creation of new curricular initiatives and on policies regarding the academic experience of undergraduates. It will consult as well on matters of mentoring, best teaching practices, student governance, climate, and student affairs. In the first two years of its formation, the subcommittee will focus especially on the future of the undergraduate curriculum and how best it can provide rigorous and innovative programs of study for undergraduates. It will also act as the SGC’s liaison to the Office of the Registrar on matters concerning undergraduate education and beyond.


  • Erin Rowe (chair)
  • Aliza Watters (ex-officio member)
  • Ona Ambrozaite
  • Emily Anderson
  • Emily Fisher
  • Tim Huang (SGC Member)
  • Kobi Khong
  • Alison Papadakis (SGC Member)
  • Andy Perrin (SGC Member)
  • David Savitt (SGC Member)
  • Becquer Seguin