
Safety Moment: March 2023

Read our Safety Moment for March outlining the process of choosing suitable gloves for the research being done.

Spring 2023 Executive Board

CSSC Executive Board 2023

Following elections to replace two members, the CSSC has filled all of its executive board slots. Our two new members are Jacob Wade - Operations and Grant Hall - Media & Communications

Safety Moment: February 2023

Items that don't belong in a cold room

Read our Safety Moment for more information about the hazards of working in Cold Rooms and other unventilated spaces.

Midsemester elections

Due to unexpected changes in our executive board membership, the CSSC will be holding elections.

January Meeting

The first meeting of the semester will take place January 30th, 2023 at noon in NCB 112. All members are encouraged to attend. We will be updating the group’s constitution, discussing the new lab coat laundering initiative, and taking nominations for new Media & Communications and Operations Chairpersons. View a copy of our slides. If...

Chemistry Student Safety Committee Interviewed for Recent ACS Chemical Health and Safety Article

We were one of the groups interviewed from universities across the country to generate data on best practices and challenges associated with starting and sustaining laboratory safety teams. We hope that the sharing of successes and challenges faced by our group will assist other chemistry departments in creating their own successful committees. Read the full...

Safety Moment February 2020

Always use appropriate PPE! When improperly used, gloves can contaminate objects and surfaces and create exposure to chemical hazards. If you or others experience an acute health effect as a result of chemical contamination, it can be difficult to determine which chemical was the source of the exposure. Reduce the likelihood of chemical contamination by: Changing gloves when contaminated. Never touch door knobs or handles with gloves! Discarding gloves immediately after use. Never reuse disposable nitrile gloves! Removing gloves prior to handling personal items, such as cell phones and laptops. Removing gloves and washing hands before leaving the lab. Establishing glove-only and no-glove items such as: mice, keyboards, instruments, pens.

Always use appropriate PPE! When improperly used, gloves can contaminate objects and surfaces and create exposure to chemical hazards. If you or others experience an acute health effect as a result of chemical contamination, it can be difficult to determine which chemical was the source of the exposure. Reduce the likelihood of chemical contamination by:...