Near Miss and Incident Reporting

The CSSC is actively updating this page to reflect the most up-to-date reporting practices. (May 2023) All information contained here is correct to the best of our knowledge, but better practices may exist.

Near Miss

If you experience a “near miss” or “close call”, please report it to [email protected] or visit this page for anonymous reporting options. Reporting almost-accidents like these helps to improve the safety of our labs and workplaces before a serious incident or injury can occur.

Actual incident

If you have experienced an actual incident resulting in injury to a person or damage to facilities/equipment, immediately contact JHU Public Safety. Remain on the phone with Public Safety until told to hang up. They will forward your call to other JHU offices, including HSE and Student Health & Wellness or Occupational Health, as applicable. Calling Public Safety first ensures the best response time (compared to simply calling 911).

Emergency response flowchart