Photos of Our Work

MInDS visit to City Neighbors High School 2024 – Immunoassay Lab

High school students follow an ELISA protocol using pipettes, tubes, and a multi-well assay plate

MInDS visit to City Neighbors High School 2023 – Gram Staining

Students in a classroom listen to a presentation about types of bacteria

MInDS visit to City Neighbors High School 2023 – Immunoassay Lab

A photograph of MInDS presenting to high school students on immunity and antigen-based assays
A photograph of MInDS members guiding high school students in their ELISA experiment

MInDS visit to City Neighbors High School 2022 – DNA Fingerprinting Lab

Collage of pictures featuring high school students participating in a JHU graduate student led DNA fingerprinting activity

BioEYES in USA Science and Engineering Festival

Woman and man working with kids at a microscope in a busy room

Former Intradepartmental MInDS Social Events

Assateague Camping Trip
Human pyramid with eight people on a beach

Ping Pong Tournament with Ice Cream Social
People playing ping pong
People lining up to get ice cream at a table

MInDS Camping Trip 2015

Six people and a dog smiling in the woods

Ping Pong Tournament Finalists 2018

A woman and a man with ping pong paddles and Amazon gift cards