Aaron Back
Prof. Dr. Robert Barbera
Jorey Bernstein
Shane Burn
Prof. Dr. Christopher Culp, Fellow at the Institute for Applied Economics
John Dills
Roger Farley
Boris Gutin
Vladimir Gutin
Dr. Oussama Himani
Stuart S. Janney, III
Mike Jurinski
Dr. Michael Katsnelson
Kyle Kosmider
Jack Li
Christopher McCoy, Fellow at the Institute for Applied Economics
Denis McHugh
Michael Morgenstern
Prof. Alan Rechtschaffen
Eric J. Schimmel
Matthew Sekerke, Fellow at the Institute for Applied Economics
Adam Siegel
Ted Smith
Dr. Glen Taksler
Prof. Dr. Frank Warnock
Prof. Dr. David Yu, Fellow at the Institute for Applied Economics
Matthew Zaft