An Evening Exploring Aducanumab and Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Development
News Archive
Johns Hopkins Neuroscientists Find Brain Mechanism Tied To Age-related Memory Loss
As the brain ages, a region in the hippocampus becomes imbalanced, causing forgetfulness. Scientists say understanding this region of the brain and its function may be the key to preventing cognitive decline.
Boosting the Brain’s Brakes to Beat Memory Loss
Dr. Michela Gallagher is featured in this piece from the Simons Foundation
A New Drug Being Developed By Two JHU Researchers Offers Hope For Alzheimer’s Patients
Michela Gallagher and Marilyn Albert are in the late stages of testing a drug that appears to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Michela Gallagher receives Goodes Prize for Alzheimer’s research
Michela Gallagher receives Goodes Prize for Alzheimer’s research
Saving Memories
Saving Memories Ansh Bhammar (left) spent a couple of summers during high school as a recreational therapy volunteer at a VA hospital in his native Boston. He specifically worked with Alzheimer’s patients, engaging them in a range of activities: playing catch, taking walks, reading, doing puzzles. “Working with veterans, I would hear some incredible stories,”...
How can we stop Alzheimer’s in its tracks?
How can we stop Alzheimer’s in its tracks? Michela Gallagher, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, and her team have adapted an unlikely medication, originally used to treat epileptic seizures, that appears to improve memory impairment in a phase of Alzeimer’s disease that occurs at least a decade before the earliest...
3-D microscope gives Johns Hopkins scientists a clearer view
3-D microscope gives Johns Hopkins scientists a clearer view
Upcoming Events: The 89th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society
March 9-11, 2016. Michela Gallagher will be the plenary speaker, discussing The Use of Brain Imaging in Translational Drug Discovery.
Slow Down!

Johns Hopkins University Arts & Sciences Magazine, Fall 2015