These bodies provide a mechanism for faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (KSAS) to participate more effectively in the deliberations and governance at Johns Hopkins University.
Shared Governance Council
The Shared Governance Council (SGC) is an advisory body whose purpose is to bring faculty, administration and students together for the development and review of policies and issues that affect the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences as a whole. This body, which consists of 20 voting members that reflect the range of disciplines and roles within them, plays a critical role in decision-making within KSAS.
Faculty Senate
The role of the KSAS Faculty Senate is to provide a forum for the faculty of the Krieger School to participate effectively in the process of deliberative governance of the university. Membership in the electorate of the senate is held by all faculty who have full-time or emeritus appointments in the Krieger School. Senate elections are held annually in the spring.
Homewood Academic Council
The Homewood Academic Council preserves and enhances the academic excellence of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering. The Academic Council is charged to pursue this mission, whether directly or through its duly appointed subcommittees and designees.
Homewood Faculty Assembly
The Homewood Faculty Assembly provides a forum for the faculty to discuss and make recommendations concerning matters pertaining to the purposes and functioning of the University.
Krieger Staff Council
The Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Staff Council will serve the interests of our staff to help improve the collective work environment. Learn more about the council and elections on the Staff Council Sharepoint site.