Near Miss and Incident Reporting

Near Miss

If you experience a “near miss” or “close call”, please report it using this anonymous form that was developed by the CSSC. You can also report by directly emailing [email protected], managed by Johns Hopkins Lab Safety (more information here). Reporting almost-accidents like these is strongly recommended since it helps to improve the safety of our labs and workplaces beforeĀ a serious incident or injury can occur.

Actual incident

If you have experienced an actual incident resulting in injury to a person or damage to facilities/equipment, or other significant safety event such as a fire or large chemical spill, please follow these steps:

  1. Immediately contact JHU Public Safety for emergency response. Remain on the phone with Public Safety until told to hang up. They will forward your call to other JHU offices, including HSE and Student Health & Wellness or Occupational Health, as applicable. Calling Public Safety first ensures the best response time (compared to simply calling 911). Our flowchart (below) outlines this process.
  2. After all emergency and medical concerns have been addressed, contact your PI or lab director to report the incident and provide them with as much detail as you can remember. Your PI will fill out this form, which you must bring with you if you go to a medical clinic. The full incident and injury reporting policy from HSE can be found with more details here. All serious safety incidents must be reported immediately.

Emergency response flowchart