Darryn W. Waugh


Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Johns Hopkins University
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Office: 320 Olin Hall

Telephone: (410) 516-8344
Fax:(410) 516-7933
E-mail: [email protected]

full CV

  • Ph.D. in applied mathematics, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 1991
  • M.Sc. in mathematics, University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ, 1987
  • B.Sc. in mathematics & physics, University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ, 1985
  • Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A, 2004 to present
  • Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A, 2001 to 2004
  • Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A, 1998 to 2000
  • Research Scientist, Cooperative Research Centre for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia, 1995 to 1997
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, 1992-1994
  • Teaching Assistant (part-time), Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 1990-91
  • Scientist, Hydrology Centre, DSIR., Christchurch, NZ, 1988
  • Research Assistant (part-time), Ruakura Research Station, Hamilton, NZ, 1985-86
  • Teaching Assistant (part-time), University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ, 1985-87
  • NASA Group Achievement Award for SOLVE campaign (2001).
  • AGU Editors Citation for Excellence in Refereeing (1999).
  • NASA Group Achievement Award for POLARIS campaign (1998).
  • AGU Editors Citation for Excellence in Refereeing (1995).
  • NASA Group Achievement Award for ASHOE/MAESA campaign (1995).
  • Francois N. Frenkiel award for paper “Quantification of inelastic & interactions of vortices in two-dimensional vortex dynamics” (1993).
  • J.T. Knight Prize for essay “Stability of strips of potential vorticity” (1990).
  • U.K. Commonwealth Scholarship to study at University of Cambridge (1989-91).
  • Member of theory team of NASA ER-2 aircraft campaigns: ASHOE/MAESA (1994), STRAT (1995/96), TOTE/VOTE (1995/96), POLARIS (1997), and SOLVE (2000).
  • Editor, Journal of Climate (2017-)
  • Member of AMS Middle Atmosphere committee (1999-2004; 2020-), Chairperson (2001-2004).
  • Member of AGU Atmospheric Dynamics committee (1999).
  • Member of International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere (ICMA) committee (1999).
  • Co-author of chapter 4 of 2014 WMO/UNEP “Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion”.
  • Lead author of chapter 6 of 2006 WMO/UNEP “Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion”.
  • Co-author of chapter 7 of 1998 WMO/UNEP “Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion”.
  • Lead author of chapter 2 of 1998 NASA “Scientific Assessment of the Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft”.