News Archive

Mars papers published

Papers on the Forcing of the Martian polar annulus by Hadley cell transport and latent heating and Atmospheric Transport into Polar Regions on Mars in Different Orbital Epochs have just been published online.

Paper in Nature

Paper on pause in Southern Hemisphere circulation trends appeared in Nature. Here is the article and perspective by Alexey Karpechko.

Postdoctoral Research Position Available

I have an opening for a postdoctoral research scientist in large-scale tropospheric dynamics and transport. Click here for more information

Website Updated

Information on the website has been updated. Lets hope I am better at doing this in 2020 than I was in 2019.

Article in The Conversation

An article “The ozone hole is both an environmental success story and an enduring global threat” by Shane Keating and myself appeared in The Conversation. Includes an embarrassing interview.

Anna’s EPA proposal selected

Anna Scott’s application to the EPA to build and deploy 300 WeatherCubes within Baltimore is one of two selected.

Six papers accepted for publication

In a nice end to the year, 6 manuscripts have been accepted for publication this month: Orbe et al., “Tropospheric Transport Differences Between Models Using the Same Large-Scale Meteorological Fields”, Geophys. Res. Lett. Toigo et al. ”What Causes Mars’ Annular Polar Vortices?”, Geophys. Res. Lett. Seviour et al. ”The Stability of Mars’ Annular Polar Vortex”,...

Anna’s first paper accepted for publication

Anna Scott’s paper on Intra-urban temperature variability in Baltimore accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.