Juneteenth, an annual holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, has been celebrated by African-Americans since the late 1800s. But in recent years, and particularly following nationwide protests over police brutality and the deaths of George FloydBreonna TaylorAhmaud Arbery, and other Black Americans, there is a renewed interest in the day that celebrates freedom. The celebration continues to resonate in new ways, given the sweeping changes and widespread protests across the U.S. over the last year and following a guilty verdict in the killing of Mr. Floyd.

The day was celebrated by praying and bringing families together. Billie Holiday Center for Liberal Arts had the honor to host this annual celebration by  The day was celebrated by bringing the African American community together, honoring the freedom dreams, struggles, and triumphs of Baltimore’s Black ancestors.

2022 Juneteenth Celebration

Take a mid-day break to celebrate Juneteenth with the Billie Holiday Center for Liberation Arts, in partnership with the Homewood Museum and the Center for Africana Studies. From 12 – 2 pm on the Homewood Museum lawn, enjoy free food, history, and fellowship, honoring the freedom dreams, struggles, and triumphs of Baltimore’s Black ancestors. This luncheon is generously sponsored by the Office of the Dean, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. 

See the full schedule and event details.

Juneteenth 2021

The 2021 event was recorded and streamed live on June 18, 2021, at Homewood Museum on the Johns Hopkins University campus.

It included dramatic performances based on the writings of Frederick Douglass, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, and other Black Baltimoreans who were at the forefront of the 19th-century Abolition movement. Hear original poetry and storytelling, traditional West African drumming, and a musical blues elegy honoring the “freedom dreams” of the enslaved. Remember the roots of Juneteenth and learn what staff and faculty are doing to advance Black freedom today.


  • Lady Brion, International Spoken Word Artist
  • Herman Burney, Bassist and Jazz Composer
  • Charles Duggar, Civil Rights Organizer, BHPLA Elder-in-Residence
  • Charles Watson, Master Drummer
  • Dr. Alvin Hathaway, Senior Pastor, Union Baptist Church
  • Diane Macklin, Professional Storyteller
  • Noah Silas, Actor and Producer, BHPLA Artist-in-Residence
  • Shawntay Stocks, KSAS Staff, Assistant Director of Inheritance Baltimore