Daniel successfully defended his thesis today. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors!
Congratulations Dr. Daniel Lemen!

Daniel successfully defended his thesis today. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors!
A new paper entitled ‘Dynamic accumulation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and its response to change in DNA conformation’ by current lab members Ravina Moirangthem and Manusha Gamage has been published in Nucleic Acid Research! This paper examines the interplay between different DNA conformations and how they affect the reversibility of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer formation. Check...
A new paper entitled ‘Substrate Electronics Dominate the Rate of Reductive Dehalogenation Promoted by the Flavin-Dependent Iodotyrosine Deiodinase’ by former lab member Anton Kozyryev, current lab member Daniel Lemen and past rotation student Jessica Dunn has been published in Biochemistry! This paper probes the mechanism of iodotyrosine deiodinase through use of kinetic isotope effects, flavin...
We once again have participated in the Chemistry Department’s door decorating content. Thank you to all lab members to made it happen and congratulations to all of the winners!
The newly minted doctor, Dani, has successfully defended her thesis today! We wish her the best of luck in her future career and will greatly miss her presence in our lab!
A new paper from the lab entitled ‘Sequence Conservation Does Not Always Signify a Functional Imperative as Observed in the Nitroreductase Superfamily’ has been published in Biochemistry! This paper discusses the role of highly conserved Lys and Arg residues that interact with the flavin cofactor in several enzymes belonging to the nitroreductase superfamily. Despite their...
We welcome Crystal Peng to the lab, a first year chemistry graduate student who will begin by working on crystallization of IYD containing key mutations
Congratulations to former lab member Zuodong Sun, along with current member Bing Xu and former rotation student Shaun Spisak, on publishing a paper in JBC on the minimal structure requirements for IYD function using protein from a thermophilic bacterium!
We competed with all labs in the department to decorate the most festive and fun door! Though we did not take home the prize, we gave it our best shot and are proud of what we came up with. A good time was had by all!
We welcome Amgen Scholar Alex Nelson to our lab for the Summer! Alex will be remotely working with lab members to research topics for a poster presentation.