A Time and a Place: (Re)conceptualizing Displacement

Grad Conference PosterApril 13-14, 2018
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Friday, April 13

Eisenhower Room, The Johns Hopkins Club

Opening Remarks
2-2:15 p.m.

Panel I
Moving in Time, Staying in Place
2:15-3:45 p.m.

Disembodied Territmoriality, or How to be Displaced From Where You Have Never Been?
Menna Agha (Faculty of Design Sciences, Antwerp)

Nos ancêtres n’étaient pas des Gaulois
Memory Politics, Reconnaissance & Displacing Through Value
Laura Bini Carter (Anthropology, CUNY)

Displacement Without Movement? Legal Regulation of the Thracian “Muslim” Minority in Contemporary Greece
Jasmine Samara (Anthropology, Harvard)

Chair: Professor Clara Han (Anthropology, JHU)
Discussant: Mo Speller (History, JHU)

Panel II
Displacing Race & Gender in the City
4-5:45 p.m.

Becoming Intersectional in Between-ness: Assemblages of Terror and Displacement in Charlottesville
Jess Hasper (Political Science, UVA)

Anti-Displacement Organizing in Los Angeles Latinx Neighborhoods: the Making and Meaning of Spaces in Displacement
Luis Trujillo (Ethnic Studies, UC Riverside)

The Gendered Cost of Displacement: Locating Black Trans Women in Baltimore’s Subprime Foreclosure Crisis
Sa Whitley (Gender Studies, UCLA)

The Conditionality of Welcome: Integration and the Sexual Life of Muslims
Mariam Banahi (Anthropology, JHU)

Chair: N.D.B. Connolly (History, JHU)
Discussant: Sally Lawton (Political Science, JHU)

Saturday, April 14

Gilman 132

Panel III
Grounded Movement: Land, Dispossession, and Resistance
9:30-11 a.m.

Whether to Weather: Resisting Migration During Drought in the Colombian Countryside
Briana Castro (Sociology, Harvard)

In Search of a Sacred Site: Bureaucracy and Displacement in Indigenous Southern Chile
Martine Greek (Anthropology, Oslo)

Approaching a Theoretical Framework for Black Land Displacement and Resistance in the Americas
Manuel Matos (Sociology, U Mass-Amherst)

Chair: Professor Sara Berry (History, JHU)
Discussant: Benita Menezes (Anthropology, JHU)

Panel IV
Legal Cartographies of Displacement
11:15-12:45 p.m.

The Long Arm of the Law: The Palestinian Right of Return and the Shatat in Israeli Courts
Thayer Hastings (Anthropology, CUNY)

Security, Humanitarianism and Integrating Syrians in Turkey
Fulya Pinar (Anthropology, Rutgers)

Economic Decline and Democratic Displacement
Mo Torres (Sociology, Harvard)

Chair: Professor Tom Özden-Schilling (Anthropology, JHU)
Discussant: Heba Islam (Anthropology, JHU)

Panel V
Interrupted Journeys, Uncertain Arrivals
3-4:45 p.m.

Where is My Mother? Forced Mobility and Stagnation of Queer Migrant Youth in Mexico
Nakay R. Flotte (Anthropology, Harvard)

A Tale of Two Cases: Exploring Conceptual Boundaries in Both Spatial and Social Displacement
Dhana Laxmi Hamal (Political Sciences, Toronto)

Journeys, Deconstructing the Category of the ‘Refugees’ Through Winding Itineraries
Marianne Madoré (Sociology, CUNY)

The Temporality of Waves & Atlantic Waterworlds: Imagined Communities of the Middle Passage
Kali Tambreé (Sociology, UCLA)

Chair: Professor Erin Chung (Political Science, JHU)
Discussant: Jishnu Guha-Majumdar (Political Science, JHU)

Keynote Lecture
Sexual Demonization and the Cultural Chauvinism in Today’s European Immigration Debate
Professor Mehammed Amadeus Mack
Assistant Professor of French Studies
Program Member in the Study of Women and Gender
Smith College
5-6:30 p.m.

6:30-8 p.m.
Gilman Atrium

Co-Sponosored by East Asian Studies, Department of History, International Studies, Program in Latin American Studies, the Vice Dean’s Office for Graduate Education and Centers and Programs.

Please send any questions to [email protected].