New Graduate and Undergraduate Research Grants Announced

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The Chloe Center for the Critical Study of Racism, Immigration, and Colonialism is pleased to inaugurate new research awards for undergraduate students and travel and research grants for pre-candidacy graduate students at Johns Hopkins University. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis, and students from all divisions are encouraged to apply.

The Chloe Center plans to issue up to two undergraduate summer research awards of $2,000 each and up to three graduate travel and research grants (summer or academic year) of up to $3,000 each. Grants will be evaluated based on the quality of the proposal, fit with core themes of the Chloe Center, student’s academic standing, and relationship of the proposed research to the student’s long-term academic and professional goals.

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Undergraduate Summer Research Awards

The Chloe Center is seeking to support undergraduate research that falls into at least one of the four tracks of the proposed Critical Diaspora Studies major: Migration and Borders; Global Indigeneities; Empires, Wars, and Carceralities; Solidarities, Social Movements, and Citizenship. Research projects that consider the history and present of Johns Hopkins University and Baltimore in terms of racism, immigration, and colonialism are also welcome.

Application requirements for undergraduate summer research awards: 

  • Proposal explaining the proposed research topic and how the research will be conducted, as well as how the project is related to course work or other work the student has already completed or plans to complete. The proposal should be up to one full page, double-spaced. 
  • Student résumé 
  • Name and e-mail address of at least one JHU faculty member who can speak to the student’s qualifications 

Graduate Research and Travel Grants

The Chloe Center is seeking to fund graduate research and travel during the summer or academic year that concerns racism, immigration, and colonialism, broadly construed. All disciplines and methodologies are welcome (if IRB approval is necessary, please note this in application). Only graduate students who have not yet advanced to candidacy are welcome to apply, and this grant should be used to explore field sites, research modalities, and theoretical questions in preparation for more extended dissertation research.

Application requirements for graduate research and travel grants: 

  • Proposal explaining the proposed research topic, site, and methods, as well as a proposed budget explaining how the grant funds will be used. Please also include a brief explanation of how the research might fit into a future dissertation project. The proposal should be up to two pages, double-spaced. 
  • Bibliography of up to five books or articles that have inspired this research 
  • Student CV
  • Name and e-mail address of at least one JHU faculty member who can speak to the student’s qualifications 

The Fine Print

For graduate research and travel grants, eligible expenses include travel and accommodation costs for research work, digitization and transcription costs, hiring of local researchers, or similar activities.

Both undergraduate and graduate students will be expected to disseminate their research findings during AY24-25, in writing, via oral presentation, or both. Graduate students will also be expected to provide a brief written report after any associated travel. Full requirements will be provided to recipients.    

All applications are due via e-mail to by 11:59pm on March 31, 2024.

Successful recipients will be notified around April 22, 2024. Undergraduate grants will be disbursed in two halves, one at the beginning of the summer and one at the end, upon documented completion of research. Graduate grants will be disbursed all at once up-front.