New Users

If you are a first-time user of any instrumentation in the center, we want to help you get started.

  • If you already know what experiment you need to do, the first thing we will need is a description of the experiment including the best details you can give us. Please use this form to provide that information and return it to the Center Manager.
  • Maybe you have an idea for an experiment but you don’t have the details or you don’t know which instrument would provide the right data. Don’t be shy! Use the form to tell us about your system and what you hope to learn. The Steering Committee faculty will help you design your experiment. Please return the form to the Center Manager.

Regardless of which option you need, you should send the form to Center Manager Dr. Katie Tripp.

After we have received your form and the details of your experiment have been worked out and approved, Dr. Katie Tripp will schedule time for you on the appropriate instrument and will also train you.