The neural bases of (written) language recovery and learning
Identifying the neural substrates that support recovery of written language functions in individuals with post-stroke dysgraphia and dysgraphia associated with primary progressive aphasia
Investigating the neural mechanisms that support recovery. We are investigating this at multiple scales: macro, meso and micro (voxel to voxel), examining changes in local aspects of neural representations as well as inter-module and whole-brain connectivity.
Orthographic learning: Investigating the neural substrates involved in the normal learning of word spellings.
Investigating both the functional and structural connectivity networks that support written language processing, learning and recovery.
Optimizing dysgraphia treatment
Applying principles of learning theory to maximize the benefits of rehabilitation in acquired dysgraphia.
Identifying pre-treatment predictors of responsiveness to dysgraphia treatment
Written language: processes and representations
The internal structure and content of orthographic representations: What do we know when we know the spellings of words?
Using patterns of errors in acquired dysgraphia as well as neural data (multi-voxel fMRI approaches) to investigate the nature and content of orthographic representations
Understanding the functional architecture of reading and spelling: The operations of long term and working memory components of reading and spelling, their neural instantiations and their relationships to other language and cognitive systems
Spoken Language: Processes and representations
Elucidating the processes involved in going from a thought/concept to speech production.
Identifying the neural substrates of lexical processes involved in spoken word comprehension and production.
Understanding the processing and representational relationships between written and spoken language in the literate mind/brain. To what extent are processes shared between spoken and written language (e.g, working memory)? To what extent is written language autonomous from spoken language?
Representation and plasticity in the somatosensory system
The reorganization of somatosensory perceptions subsequent to neural injury or abnormal development
Somatosensory frames of reference
Cross-modal attention: integration and competition across sensory modalities