Congratulations, Dr. Neophytou

Kyriaki Neophytou finished her PhD degree this spring, defending her dissertation on “Selection in Written Language Production: Evidence from Aphasia.” Kyriaki has started a postdoc position at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine working with Dr. Kyrana Tsapkini.

Prof. Rapp Elected to Society of Experimental Psychologists

Please join us in congratulating Brenda Rapp, who has just been elected to the Society of Experimental Psychologists.  Membership is a great honor as it recognizes significant accomplishments in experimental psychology, encompassing cognitive, perceptual, developmental, neuroscientific, and social areas of the field. The society currently admits at least 6 new members annually from among the leading experimentalists […]

Congratulations, Dr. Litovsky!

Celia Litovsky finished her PhD degree this spring, defending her dissertation on “Structural Connectivity Underlying Executive Processing in Post-stroke Aphasia.” Celia has started a postdoc position in the Concepts & Cognition Lab at Temple University working with Dr. Jamie Reilly.

Teaching Tibetan Buddhist Monks

As part of The Emory-Tibet Science Initiative, Drs. Brenda Rapp and Jeremy Purcell taught neuroscience to Tibetan Buddhist monks for 10 days in the Gaden Monastery in India, Karnataka State. ETSI is a fascinating program designed to teach modern science to Tibetan monastics.

Developmental Dysgraphia

Drs. Brenda Rapp and Michael McCloskey were co-editors of the recently published book entitled Developmental Dysgraphia. This volume brings together, for the first time, theoretically grounded and methodologically rigorous research on developmental dysgraphia, presented alongside reviews of the typical development of spelling and writing skills.

CER Tech Grants Awarded to Lab Members

Awarded to Dr. Brenda Rapp, Dr. Jeremy Purcell, & Donald Li, the Technology Grant, as described on CER’s website, “is a mini-grant initiative that enables faculty to partner with technology savvy students to develop resources that enhance pedagogy, increase of facilitate access to course content, encourage active learning, promote critical thinking, or support student collaboration.” Project Title: Building […]