Awarded to Dr. Brenda Rapp, Dr. Jeremy Purcell, & Donald Li, the Technology Grant, as described on CER’s website, “is a mini-grant initiative that enables faculty to partner with technology savvy students to develop resources that enhance pedagogy, increase of facilitate access to course content, encourage active learning, promote critical thinking, or support student collaboration.”
Project Title: Building Interactive Online Resources for Active Learning Sessions
Description: Many concepts in cognitive neuroscience are both difficult to teach and learn in that they require an understanding beyond simply memorizing the material. A more applied, interactive approach is better suited for instructing complex cognitive neuroscience concepts. Our approach is unique in the domain of cognitive neuroscience instruction. A very limited number of courses worldwide have implemented active learning material for a cognitive neuroscience course. We are not only at the forefront of this approach, but also at the cutting edge of developing content and online resources for cognitive neuroscience instruction.