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Dillon, Miranda, and Jaime -Gibbs 2016
Selena’s defense day-April 2015-with Dagan and Matt
Matt’s final seminar day-April 2015-with Dillon and Selena
Eric, Selena, and Matt-January 2014
Matt’s defense day-July 2012
Hank’s defense day-January 2010
Chadamas’s last day-June 2007
Nancy’s last day-June 2007
Good-bye Syna! July 2004
Coaches vs cancer 5K, with Maryanne, April 2004
Jane’s excellent gel
Jane by the 600 MHz spectrometer in the old PSU building, Chandlee
Biophysical Society Meeting, February 2002 in San Francisco, California. (left to right) Christie, Melanie, Juliette, Yung-Hsiang, and Chris