NOTE: We have moved to Using iLab as a Scheduler.
The Integrated Imaging Center (IIC) provides a wide range of imaging and related equipment at the Homewood campus. The core equipment includes fluorescence microscopes, electron microscopes (EM) and flow cytometers. We also provide a range of sample preparation equipment, especially for EM, gel imagers and bioprinters.
The IIC was originally established as the Advanced Microscopy Facility (AMF) and devoted exclusively to light microscopy techniques; it was initially directed by Dr. William Busa and later by Dr. Michael Edidin. In 1998, the AMF was incorporated into a newly created EM facility to form the present IIC. The IIC currently serves more than 150 laboratories with >600 users in the greater Baltimore area.
The IIC has become a fundamental partner in the academic and basic research effort of the Johns Hopkins Biology Department, as well as other JHU departments campus wide including chemical engineering, cell biology and anatomy, biochemistry and neurosciences. Ever more important is the academic commitment of the center to our undergraduate/graduate programs. This commitment is premised on making available to all of our students the latest microscopy technologies through hands-on course offerings, workshops, and research.
The emphasis of our academic effort is to promote microscopy as a powerful research tool that encourages investigators in disparate disciplines to interact collaboratively (both effectively and creatively) in their basic research enterprises. The center, as part of the biology department curriculum, offers microscopy courses and regular workshops, assists in the core cell and developmental biology classes by conducting regular demonstrations, and has had a number of undergraduate research assistants and student workers.