Professor Fairbrother

Professor Howard Fairbrother

Areas of Research Interest: Environmental Chemistry and Materials Surface Chemistry


Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University

New Chemistry Building 216

3400 North Charles St.

Baltimore, MD 21218

Phone: (410) 516-4328

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background:

Oxford University ( England) Chemistry B.A., 1989

Northwestern University Chemistry Ph.D., 1994

University of California, Berkeley Chemistry – Postdoctorate, 1994-1997


2013 – present: Senior Editor Journal of Physical Chemistry

2007-present Professor, Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University (Joint Appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering)

2003-2007 Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University

1997-2003 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University

Recent Scientific Activities:

2016-2017 – Chairman, American Chemical Society, Division of Colloids and Surface Chemistry

2017-2018 – Immediate Past Chairman, American Chemical Society, Division of Colloids and Surface Chemistry

Honors and Awards:

Fellow of the American Chemical Society – 2011

National Science Foundation, CAREER Award – 2000

Outstanding Graduate Thesis Award (Northwestern University – 1994)