List of Select Publications by Topic

For a Complete List of Publications, Visit Dr. Courtney’s Google Scholar Page

Cognitive Control in Older Adults and Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis

Wang, C., Li, M., Szanton, S., Courtney, S., Pantelyat, A., Li, Q., Huang, J., & Li, J. (2024). A qualitative exploration of 40 Hz sound and music for older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.)56, 259–269.

Hinault T, Baillet S., Courtney SM. (2022) Age-related changes of deep-brain neurophysiological activity.  Cerebral Cortex.

Hinault, T., Mijalkov, M., Pereira, J.B., Volpe, G., Bakker, A., Courtney, S.M. (2021) Age-related differences in network structure and dynamic synchrony of cognitive control, NeuroImage, 236(118070): 1053-8119,

Hinault, T., Kraut, M., Bakker, A., Dagher, A., & Courtney, S. M. (2020). Disrupted neural synchrony mediates the relationship between white matter integrity and cognitive performance in older adults. Cerebral Cortex30(10), 5570-5582.

Hinault, T., Larcher, K., Bherer, L., Courtney, S.M., Dagher, A. (2019) Age-related differences in the structural and effective connectivity of cognitive control: a combined fMRI and DTI study of mental arithmetic. Neurobiology of Aging, 82, pp. 30-39. PMID:31377538.  DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2019.06.013

Gmeindl L., Courtney SM.  (2012) “Deconstructing Spatial Working Memory and Attention Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis.” Neuropsychology. 26(1): 57-70 doi: 10.1037/a0026213 PMCID: PMC3302951

Walsh M., Montojo CA., Sheu Y-S., Marchette SA., Harrison DM., Newsome SD., Zhou F., Shelton, AL., Courtney SM. (2011) Object working memory performance depends on microstructure of the frontal-occipital fasciculus. Brain Connectivity.1(4): 317-329. [PMCID: 3319977].

Morgen K, Sammer G, Courtney SM., Wolters T., Melchior H, Blecker CR., Oschmann P., Kaps M., Vaitl D. (2007) Distinct mechanisms of altered brain activation in patients with multiple sclerosis. NeuroImage  37(3):937-46.

Understanding Cognitive Variability Within and Across Individuals

Beauchene, C., Hinault, T., Sarma, S.V. et al. Dynamic Cognitive States Explain Individual Variability in Behavior and Modulate with EEG Functional Connectivity During Working Memory. Comput Brain Behav (2022).

Beauchene, C., Men, S., Hinault, T., Courtney, S.M., Sarma, S.V.(2022) Using Neural Networks to Uncover the Relationship between highly variable behavior and EEG during a working memory task with distractors. Mathematics. 10(1848).

Ghazi, T. R., Blacker, K. J., Hinault, T. T., & Courtney, S. M. (2021). Modulation of Peak Alpha Frequency Oscillations During Working Memory Is Greater in Females Than Males. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience15, 626406.

Blacker KJ., Negoita S., Ewen JB. Courtney SM. (2017) N-back Versus Complex Span Working Memory Training. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement.

Figley CR., Levenbaum E., Asem JSA., Courtney SM. (2016) “Effects of body mass index and body fat percent on default mode, executive control, and salience network structure and function.” Frontiers in Neuroscience: Neuroenergetics, Nutrition, and Brain Health. 10:234, doi:  10.3389/fnins.2016.00234.

Sali AW, Courtney SM, Yantis S. (2016) “Spontaneous Fluctuations in the Flexible Control of Covert Attention.” Journal of Neuroscience. 36(2):445-454.

Attention Capture and Inhibitory Control

Khodayari, N., Egeth, E. H., Courtney, S. M. (under review). Not Simply Two Sides of the Same Coin: Target Enhancement and Distractor Suppression Draw on Independent Neural Mechanisms.

Hinault T, Blacker KJ, Gormley M, Anderson BA, Courtney SM. (2019) Value-driven attentional capture is modulated by the contents of working memory: An EEG study. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience. 1-15. DOI: 10.3758/s13415-018-00663-2. 

Xu KZ, Mayse JD, Courtney SM. (2019)  Evidence for selective adjustments of inhibitory control in a variant of the stop signal task.  Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 72 (4), 818-831

Xu KZ., Anderson BA., Emeric EE., Sali AW., Stuphorn V., Yantis S., Courtney SM. (2017) “Neural basis of cognitive control over movement inhibition: human fMRI and primate electrophysiology evidence.” Neuron. 96: 1-12.; NIHMS 926015

Anderson BA, Kuwabara H, Wong DF, Roberts J, Rahmim A, Brasic JR, Courtney SM. (2017) Linking Dopaminergic Reward Signals to the Development of Attentional Bias: A Positron Emission Tomography Study. NeuroImage, 157: 27-33.

Anderson BA, Kuwabara H, Wong DF, Gean EG, Rahmim A, Brasic JR, George N, Frolov B, Courtney SM, and Yantis S(2016) “The Role of Dopamine in Value-Based Attentional Orienting” Current Biology. 26(4): 550-555.

Sheu Y-S., Courtney SM. (2016) The neural mechanism of cognitive control for resolving conflict between abstract task rules. Cortex. 85:13-24. PMID: 27771559

Working Memory and Attention: Representations, Maintenance and Updating

Blacker, K.J., Weisberg, S.M., Newcombe, N.S., Courtney, S.M., (2017) Keeping track of where we are: Spatial working memory in navigation. Visual Cognition.

Blacker KJ. Courtney SM (2016) Distinct Neural Substrates for Maintaining Locations and spatial relations in working memory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10, 594. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00594

Gmeindl L, Chiu Y-C., Esterman MS, Greenberg AS, Courtney SM., Yantis S. (2016) Tracking the Will to Attend: Cortical Activity Indexes Self-Generated, Voluntary Shifts of Attention. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. 10.3758/s13414-016-1159-7

Blacker K, Ikkai A, Lakshmanan B, Ewen J, Courtney SM. (2016) “The Role of Alpha Oscillations in Deriving and Maintaining Spatial Relations in Working Memory” Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. 16(5): 888-901.

Ackerman C.M. & Courtney SM. (2012) “Spatial Relations and Spatial Locations are Dissociated within Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex.”  Journal of Neurophysiology. 108(9): 2419-2429. [PMCID: PMC3545176]

Gmeindl L., Walsh M., Courtney SM.  (2011) “Binding Serial Order to Representations in Working Memory: a Spatial/Verbal Dissociation.” ˆMemory & Cognition. 39: 37-46. PMCID: PMC3034782 NIHMSID: NIHMS261527

Yee LTS., Roe K.,Courtney SM. (2010) Selective involvement of superior frontal cortex during working memory for shapes. Journal of Neurophysiology 103(1): 557-563. PMCID: PMC2807238

Sala JB., Courtney SM. (2009) “Flexible working memory representation of the relationship between an object and its location as revealed by interactions with attention” Attention, Perception and Psychophysics 71(7): 1525-1533. PMCID: 177248

Montojo C., Courtney SM. (2008) “Differential neural activation for updating rule versus stimulus information in working memory.” Neuron. 59:173-182.

Roth JK., Courtney SM. (2007) Neural system for updating object working memory from different sources: sensory stimuli or long term memory. NeuroImage. 38(3):617-30

Sala JB., Courtney SM.  (2007) “Binding of What and Where during Working Memory Maintenance” Cortex 43:5-21.

Roth JK., Serences J., Courtney SM. (2006) “Neural system for controlling the contents of object working memory in humans”, Cerebral Cortex. 16: 1595-1603.

Rämä P., Courtney SM. (2005) “Functional Topography of Working Memory for Faces or Voices” NeuroImage 24: 224-234.

Rämä P., Poremba A., Sala JB., Yee L., Malloy M.,. Mishkin M, Courtney SM. (2004) “Dissociable Functional Cortical Topographies for Working Memory Maintenance of Voice Identity and Location.” Cerebral Cortex 14:768-780

Sala JB., Rämä P., Courtney SM. (2003) “Functional Topography of a Distributed Neural System for Spatial and Nonspatial Information Maintenance in Working Memory.”  Neuropsychologia, 41:341-356.

Yantis S., Schwarzbach J., Serences JT., Carlson RL., Steinmetz MA., Pekar J., Courtney SM.  (2002) “Transient neural activity in human parietal cortex during spatial attention shifts ” Nature Neuroscience, 5, 995 – 1002.

Rämä P., Sala JB., Gillen JS., Pekar JJ., Courtney SM. (2001) “Dissociation of the Neural Systems for Working Memory Maintenance of Verbal and Nonspatial Visual Information.” Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 1(2): 161-171.

Haxby JV., Petit L., Ungerleider LG., Courtney SM. (2000) “Distinguishing the functional roles of multiple regions in distributed neural systems for visual working memory” NeuroImage , 11: 145-156.

Courtney SM., L. Petit, L.G. Ungerleider, J.M. Maisog, James V. Haxby. (1998) “An Area Specialized for Spatial Working Memory in Human Frontal Cortex,” Science, 279:1347-51.

Petit L., Courtney SM., Ungerleider LG., Haxby JV. (1998) “Sustained activity in the medial wall during working memory delays” Journal of Neuroscience 18: (22) 9429-9437.

Courtney SM., Ungerleider LG., Keil K., Haxby JV. (1997) “Transient and Sustained Activity in a Distributed Neural System for Human Working Memory,” Nature, 386: 608-11.

Courtney SM., Ungerleider LG., Keil K., Haxby JV. (1996) “Object and Spatial Visual Working Memory Activate Separate Neural Systems in Human Cortex,” Cerebral Cortex, 6: 39-49.

Review Articles and Book Chapters

Courtney, S. M., & Hinault, T. (2024). Anatomical Connectivity Constrains Dynamic Functional Connectivity among Neural Systems: Implications for Cognition and Behavior. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 1–12. Advance online publication.

Susan M. Courtney (2004) “Attention And Cognitive Control As Emergent Properties Of Information Representation In Working Memory“ Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 4(4): 501-516.

James V. Haxby, Jose Ma. Maisog, Susan M. Courtney, “Multiple regression analysis of effects of interest in fMRI time series.” In P Fox, J Lancaster, K Friston (eds) Mapping and Modeling the Human Brain. New York: Wiley, in press .

Susan M. Courtney (1999) “Cognition – Perception, 3: Perception/memory”American Journal of Psychiatry, 156: (8) 1137.

Susan M. Courtney, Laurent Petit, James V. Haxby, Leslie G. Ungerleider. (1998) “The Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Working Memory: Examining the Contents of Consciousness,” Philosophical Translations of the Royal Society B, 353: (1377) 1819-1828.

Leslie G. Ungerleider, Susan M. Courtney, and James V. Haxby. (1998) “A Neural System for Human Visual Working Memory,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 95: 883-890.

Susan M. Courtney and Leslie Ungerleider. (1997) “What fMRI has Taught us about Human Vision,” Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 7(4): 554-561.

James V. Haxby, Susan M. Courtney, Vincent P. Clark. (1998)“Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Study of Attention” in R. Parasuraman (Ed.), The Attentive Brain, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p. 123-142.

James V. Haxby, Vincent P. Clark, Susan M. Courtney. (1997) “Distributed Hierarchical Neural Systems for Visual Memory in Human Cortex” in B. Hyman, C. Duyckaerts, Y. Christen (eds.), Connections, Cognition, and Alzheimer’s Disease, Berlin: Springer, p. 167-180.