

symBIOsis is a student-led support and mentorship group, founded in 2020 by graduate students in the CMDB Program.

The goal of symBIOsis is to improve the CMDB student experience by advising current students on graduate life, providing them with resources for navigating the program requirements, and helping them acclimate to the department.

If you would like to read the symBIOsis Bylaws, please contact us!


symBIOsis is a committee-based organization, which is overseen by an all-encompassing Organizing Committee.

Members of symBIOsis may be a General Committee Member, meaning they hold a standard position and are responsible for planning and hosting symBIOsis events throughout the year. Additionally, members of symBIOsis may also hold a fixed position, where they are individually responsible for that position’s duties  (ex: Accountability Leader, Secretary, or Treasurer).

Organizing Committee structure