{"id":2164,"date":"2022-09-19T06:00:00","date_gmt":"2022-09-19T10:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sites.krieger.jhu.edu\/ric\/?p=2164"},"modified":"2023-04-28T08:58:43","modified_gmt":"2023-04-28T12:58:43","slug":"ric-supports-trip-to-liberia-for-baltimore-schoolchildren","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/sites.krieger.jhu.edu\/ric\/2022\/09\/19\/ric-supports-trip-to-liberia-for-baltimore-schoolchildren\/","title":{"rendered":"RIC Supports Trip to Liberia for Baltimore Schoolchildren"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

A smile graced every face in Pleasant Hope Baptist Church on a recent Sunday morning. RIC Director Nathan Connolly and RIC postdoctoral fellow Jasmine Blanks Jones presented a commemorative check to the church\u2019s dance ministry, Angels of Praise. Drs. Connolly and Blanks Jones announced that support secured under \u201cInheritance Baltimore,\u201d RIC\u2019s grant-sponsored project, will fund a group trip for at least seven Angels of Praise dancers to Liberia this December. Fundraisers for Angels of Praise, to date, had yielded only 10% of the necessary amount for the trip. But that Sunday Pleasant Hope\u2019s congregation jumped to its feet, shouts rang out, and tambourines thrummed, as Connolly unveiled the oversized check, nearly five feet in length, in the amount of $28,500.  \u201cAll y\u2019all going!\u201d Connolly shouted. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

The gift represented Inheritance Baltimore\u2019s ongoing relationship with Orita\u2019s Cross Freedom School, established in 2010 by Rev. Heber Brown, III, to support and advance freedom education in Black Baltimore. This collaboration also advances RIC\u2019s commitment to reparative, redistributive, freedom education in the city and beyond. RIC is inviting graduate students from area universities as well, who will join the trip as chroniclers and research collaborators. <\/p>\n\n\n\n
