This page contains a collection of tools that may be useful in phonetics & phonology teaching and research. Check back for updates!
Illustrations of the International Phonetic Alphabet & phonological features
- English phonemic transcription chart for matching symbols across conventions
- Master Phonological Features Chart by Jason Riggle
- iPA Phonetics: An iOS app for the International Phonetic Alphabet
- Interactive IPA Chart from the University of Victoria, Canada
- The real-time MRI IPA chart from USC’s span group
- Seeing Speech MRI IPA chart
- Interactive map of Illustrations of the IPA
- UCLA Index of Sounds
- ArticulatoryIPA YouTube Channel
- Accents of English from Around the World with audio samples
- eNunciate! visual language learning tool
- Rhyme Desk: find rhyming words via IPA transcription
- SoundBar: hear and visualize the articulation of American English sounds
Acoustic analysis: Praat tutorials, scripting, and help
- Praat: doing Phonetics by Computer
- Mauricio Figueroa’s scripting manual & tutorials
- the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Vowels – tutorials & scripting help
- Praat scripting manuals
- Praat Users List
- NCSU Phonology Lab Script Repository – Praat and more
- Phonetics on Speed Praat Scripting Tutorial
- Praat Script Collection from Will Styler
- Praat-based Tools & Common Prosody Platform from Yi Xu
- ProZed Praat plugin, for rhythm & tonal aspects of speech
- Prosogram: Pitch contour stylization based on a tonal perception model
- EasyAlign: phonetic alignment with Praat (Windows only)
- A Tutorial on Extracting Formants in Praat by Joey Stanley
- ToBI Annotation Environments for Praat & WaveSurfer
- Praat Scripting Tutorial by Antje Schweitzer
- Praat Vocal Toolkit – automated scripts for voice processing
- Parselmouth: a Python library for Praat [article]
- Praat Tools: plugins for annotation, tokenizing, searching TextGrids, etc.
- mausmooth, a Praat script for smoothing and extracting f0 contours
- Draw TextGrid, a plugin for easier visualizations in Praat
- Matt Winn’s Praat Scripts for a wide array of tasks
- FastTrack, a Praat plugin for fast, accurate, (nearly) automatic formant-tracking
- Praat manual for musicologists from Wim van der Meer
- Praat script repository from Henning Reetz
- Praat scripts from the Universitat de Barcelona
- SpeCT, the Speech Corpus Toolkit for Praat
- Visible Vowels tool for plotting vowel spaces in a web browser
Automating your transcription and acoustic analysis
- Corpus Phonetics Tutorial from Elinor Chodroff
- SPPAS – forced alignment in multiple languages with Praat TextGrid output
- WebMAUS – web-based forced alignment software from LMU
- AutoVOT – automatic voice onset time calculation
- P2FA and FAVE – software for forced alignment from UPenn
- syllabify: a tool for syllabifying ARPABET transcriptions
- the Prosodylab-Aligner for automated alignment [prosodylab github]
- Montreal Forced Aligner for automated alignment
- SWIPE’ pitch extractor software by Kyle Gorman
- DARLA – automated vowel formant extraction
- Kaldi ASR – a toolkit for speech recognition
- Formant Editor – a tool for improving formant-based analyses
- EMU-webApp – label, visualize, and correct speech and derived speech data
- semiauto – plugin to improve efficiency of working in Praat
- praatalign: a plugin for interactive forced alignment
- VoiceSauce – Matlab-based tool for voice quality analysis
- UW CLOx – web-based automatic transcription tool [MacOS Version]
- Gentle – a robust yet lenient forced aligner
- CREPE pitch tracker based on deep learning
- DDKtor: software package for automatic measurement of VOT & vowels
- Phonet toolkit for computing posterior probabilities of phonological classes from audio
- LDC Broad Phonetic Class Speech Activity Detector for segmentation
R resources
- the R project
- R Studio – an excellent GUI for R (install both R and R Studio)
- the vowels package for R and its web-based NORM interface
- the phonR package for normalization, etc. in R (new version!)
- the phonTools package for R
- ggplot2: make beautiful plots in R! [top 50 ggplot2 visualizations]
- plyr: transform & summarize your data easily & automatically
- PraatR: access Praat from R by Aaron Albin
- readtextgrid: a package to read Praat TextGrids into R, by Tristan Mahr
- stat-ellipse: plot ellipses, e.g. around points in a vowel chart (requires other packages)
- Rbrul, a tool for analyzing variation in linguistic data
- SWIPE’ for R: pitch extraction by Aaron Albin
- plot spectrograms in R by Aaron Albin
- Summary of Basic Statistical Tests in R from Stephanie Shih
- tuneR: analysis of music and speech
- phonfieldwork package for phonetic fieldwork research and experiments (cf. Sound Viewer)
- speakr: an R-based wrapper for Praat, by Stefano Coretta
- Generalized Additive (Mixed-Effects) Models in R: GAM(M) tutorials by Márton Sóskuthy and Marissa Barlaz
Tools for transcription, data acquisition, management & analysis
- Linguistics Methods Hub [in development]
- Open SLR: Open Speech & Language Resources
- Phonological CorpusTools (github) – “Take the stress out of corpus analysis!”
- Speech Corpus Tools – an application for interacting with large datasets
- LaBB-CAT, a repository for time-aligned audio & transcripts
- Phon: database management for audio corpora
- EMU-SDMS: database management & searching of audio corpora
- Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals: tools for acoustic analysis
- {Deep} Phonetic Tools – machine learning applied to acoustic analysis
- Transcriber, a tool for labeling, segmenting & transcribing speech
- Berkeley Phonetics Machine, a VM with software for doing phonetics already installed
- FESTIVAL code snippets for speech synthesis
- Language Markup and Experimental Design Software, a web-based platform
- Polyglot DB, a Python package for storing and querying large speech corpora
- ELAN, linguistic annotation software
- PennController software for online experiments
- IPAtranscriptor, a Python tool for IPA transcription, suitable for blind users [JIPA article]
- FindingFive platform for online behavioral research
- STRAIGHT, a speech analysis, modification and synthesis system
- Transcriptor fonológico multidialectal del español
Phonological databases, tools, & corpora
- LAPSyD, the Lyon-Albuquerque Phonological Systems Database
- UPSID, an online version of the UCLA Phonological Segment Inventory Database
- South American Phonological Inventory Database, from UC Berkeley
- PHOIBLE Online – a repository of cross-linguistic phonological inventory data
- UMD’s Langscape: a portal to language diversity
- NIM, a “stimuli search engine” for psycholinguistics (Eng, Cat, Esp)
- UD Phonology Lab Stress Pattern Database – with Finite State utility
- learnLexicalConstraints, an online learner with lexically-specific phonological constraints
- Language Variation Suite for variationist quantitative data analysis
- IPhOD: the Irvine Phonotactic Online Dictionary
- World Phonotactics Database of over 4000 languages
- Phonotactic Probability Calculator maintained by Michael Vitevitch
- Language Goldmine – databases & datasets (not just PhPh)
- Experigen – an online experiment platform
Spoken-language corpora (not exhaustive!)
- SpeechBox, a web-based system for a large set of digital speech corpora
- Dynamic Dialects accent database with video speech samples
- Atlas sonore des langues régionales de France – the North Wind and the Sun in many varieties
- Blog post on prosodically annotated corpora, focusing on English
- Corpus of Regional African American Language, at the University of Oregon
- Online Resources for African American Language, at the University of Oregon
- Microcontact: Italian dialects spoken in the Americas
- DoReCo: Language Documentation Reference Corpus
General phonetics & phonology resources
- Phonetics Resources & Tutorials from the International Phonetic Association
- Indiana University Phonetics Lab – an enormous compilation of resources
- Jen Smith’s phonetics page
- Cristian DiCanio’s resources and scripts
- Val Systems: Josef Fruehwald’s blog
- VocalTractLab: speech production demos & more
- Pink Trombone: online voice synthesizer
- Sounds of Speech: speech articulation tutorial, with app
- Interactive Sagittal Section by Daniel Currie Hall
- eSpeak text to speech synthesizer
- MBROLA – “Towards a Freely Available Multilingual Speech Synthesizer”
- WaveSurfer – open-source tool for sound visualization & manipulation
- FalaBrasil recognition & synthesis tools for Brazilian Portuguese
- WASP2 – Waveform, Annotations, Spectrogram & Pitch
Using the IPA on your computer
- in Windows: Microsoft Word supports IPA symbols. Try Insert –> Symbol.
- in Mac OS: Install an IPA keyboard or use Charis SIL.
- No time to install? Type IPA phonetic symbols.
- Point and click IPA keyboard from Weston Ruter
- Lexilogos IPA: multilingual keyboard
Just for fun
- Chrome Music Lab – Spectrogram: Colorful, multidimensional, animated visualizations of sound.
- Virtual Oscilloscope: visualize live sound input
- Glyph: a game to investigate the shapes of letters
- Linguacuisine: learn a language while cooking a recipe!
- Gramle: a spectrogram decoding game in the spirit of Wordle.