This is a high-resolution, double focusing magnetic sector instrument (BE geometry) with an effective mass range of 1-2100Da at full (8kV) acceleration voltage. It is equipped with EI and CI ionization methods and is able to provide both full scan nominal-mass spectra of small molecules and accurate mass determinations. A variety of different samples may be accommodated. Thermally stable liquid or solid (mp<3000C) samples may be analyzed with EI and/or CI ionization using heated inlets and probes for sample volatilization. GC-MS of volatile sample mixtures is also possible using the attached HP5890 GC, although such analyses are normally performed using the dedicated Shimadzu GC-MS instrument also located within the facility. The exact method of sample introduction and ionization chosen depends upon the sample to be analyzed. At present, full scan and accurate mass EI/CI analyses comprise the bulk of the work conducted using this instrument.
This instrument, originally installed in 1986, was overhauled and upgraded in early 2005, which included replacement of the original data system with a modern MSS MasSpecII32Windows based data system. The instrument is operated by the Facility Manager on a service basis. Data will be returned to users electronically by e-mail in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
View the guidelines for sample preparation and submission, along with downloadable sample submission forms.
This instrument is located in Room B13, Remsen Hall.