Research Publications

Curriculum Vita

Selterman, D., & Gideon, S. (2022). Experiences of Romantic Attraction Are Similar Across Dating Apps and Offline Dates in Young AdultsJournal of Social Psychology Research, 1(2), 145–163.

Selterman, D. (2021). Monogamy and Relationship EthicsRoutledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World.

Selterman, D., Garcia, J., & Tsapelas, I. (2020). What Do People Do, Say, and Feel When They Have Affairs? Associations Between Extradyadic Infidelity Motives with Behavioral, Emotional, and Sexual OutcomesJournal of Sex & Marital Therapy. DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2020.1856987. 

Selterman, D., Gesselman, A. N., Moors, A. C. (2019). Sexuality Through the Lens of Secure Base Dynamics: Individual Differences in SexplorationPersonality and Individual Differences, 147, 229-236. 

Selterman, D. (2019). Altruistic Punishment in the Classroom: An Update on the Tragedy of the Commons Extra Credit QuestionTeaching of Psychology, 46(2), 153-157.

Selterman, D., Garcia, J., & Tsapelas, I. (2019). Motivations for Extra-Dyadic Infidelity RevisitedThe Journal of Sex Research, 56(3),

Mattingly, B. A., McIntyre, K. P., & Selterman, D. (2018).  Individual differences and romantic relationships: Bidirectional influences on self and relational processes. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of personality and individual differences. London, UK: SAGE.

Selterman, D., Moors, A. C., & Koleva, S. (2018). Moral Judgment Toward Relationship Betrayals (and Those Who Commit Them). Personal Relationships, 25(1), 65-86.

Moors, A. C., Conley, T. D., & Selterman, D. (2017). Personality Correlates of Attitudes and Desire to Engage in Consensual Non-monogamy among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals. Journal of Bisexuality, 17(4), 418-434.

Open Science Collaboration (2017). Maximizing the reproducibility of your research.  In S. O. Lilienfeld & I. D. Waldman (Eds.), Psychological Science Under Scrutiny: Recent Challenges and Proposed Solutions (pp. 3-21). New York, NY: Wiley.  

Selterman, D. (2016). Attitudes Toward Dreaming Predict Subjective Well-Being Outcomes Mediated Through Emotional Positivity Bias. The International Journal of Dream Research, 9 (1), 34-39.

Selterman, D. (2016). On the Current State of Science Journalism. In-Mind Magazine, 29.

Selterman, D. & Koleva, S. (2015). Moral judgment of close relationship behaviorsJournal of Social and Personal Relationships32(7), 922-945.

Selterman, D., Chagnon, E., & Mackinnon, S. (2015). Do Men and Women Exhibit Different Preferences for Mates? A Replication of Eastwick & Finkel (2008)SAGE Open, 5(3).

Open Science Collaboration (2015). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science, 349 (6251). DOI: 10.1126/science.aac4716

Selterman, D., Mashek, D. J., Balzarini, R., & Holmes, B. M. (2014). Teaching about consensual non-monogamy in relationship science and sexuality coursesRelationship Research News, 13 (2), 5-11.

Selterman, D. (2014). “Fast Friends”: A scientific icebreakerUniversity of Maryland Teaching & Learning News, 24 (2). Retrieved from

Koleva, S., Selterman, D., Iyer, R., Ditto, P., & Graham, J. (2014). The moral compass of insecurity: Anxious and avoidant attachment predict moral judgmentSocial Psychological and Personality Science, 5(2), 185-194.

Selterman, D., Apetroaia, A., Riela, S. & Aron, A. (2014). Dreaming of you: Romantic behavior and emotion in dreams of significant others predict subsequent relational behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(1), 111-118.

Open Science Collaboration. (2014).  The Reproducibility Project: A model of large-scale collaboration for empirical research on reproducibility. In V. Stodden, F. Leisch, & R. Peng (Eds.), Implementing Reproducible Computational Research (A Volume in The R Series) (pp. 299-323).  New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

Selterman, D., & Maier, M. (2013). Secure attachment and material reward both attenuate romantic jealousy. Motivation and Emotion, 37(4), 765-775.

Mohr, J. J., Selterman, D., & Fassinger, R. E. (2013). Romantic attachment and relationship functioning in same-sex couples. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(1), 72-82.

Open Science Collaboration. (2012). An open, large-scale, collaborative effort to estimate the reproducibility of psychological science.  Perspectives on Psychological Science7(6), 657-660.  

Selterman, D., Apetroaia, A., & Waters, E. (2012). Script-like attachment representations in dreams containing current romantic partners. Attachment & Human Development, 14(5), 501-515.

Selterman, D. (2012).  Attachment, sleep and dreams. In D. Barrett and P. McNamara (Eds.), Encyclopedia of sleep and dreams. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishers.

Selterman, D. (2010). Positive psychology and the importance of close relationships in TV sitcoms: That 70s Show, Entourage, and How I Met Your Mother. In-Mind Magazine, 11.

Selterman, D., & Drigotas, S. (2009). Attachment styles and emotional content, stress, and conflict in dreams of romantic partners. Dreaming19(3), 135-151.