Waters Acquity / Xevo-G2 UPLC-MS system

Waters XevoG2

The Waters UPLC-MS  system combines a high pressure (~15000 psi) Acquity H-Class UPLC system with a Xevo-G2 high mass resolution Q-ToF MS/MS instrument. It is primarily used for specialist separation and analysis of biomolecules  such as metabolites, proteins and oligonucleotides. The LC includes an auto-sampler for automated multi sample analysis, the ability to blend up to four separate solvents streams, accommodation  for multiple columns, temperature controlled column compartments and a photodiode detector for UV spectroscopic detection of components to complement the mass spectral detection. The instrument is usually equipped with a selection of reverse phase high efficiency UPLC C4 and C18 columns and is supplied with Water, Methanol and Acetontrile solvents, along with a 0.1% Formic Acid modifier. The mass spectrometer is equipped with a dual ESI / APCI ion source and performs high resolution MS and MS/MS analyses of chromatographic components in both positive and negative ionization modes. An internal lock-mass ensures high mass accuracy. Operation is by users on a “self-service” basis following familiarization and training and is largely automated using pre-defined methods that control instrument parameters such as column selection, column temperature, mobile phase composition and flow rate, mass spectral ionization conditions and mass range, etc. A separate work-station is provided for off-line data processing and includes specialist software for tasks such as structural identification of small molecules, sequencing and modification analysis of proteins and deconvolution of large multiply charged bio-molecules.

For information on access and user fees for this instrument, please contact the Facility Manager. The instrument is located in Room B14, Remsen Hall.